Terminology and Definitions
This guide is based on 3D Studio Max 7.
Item | Description |
Bevel | Expand and contract polygons and faces. |
COM | Center of Mass. |
Complementary (hue) | Hues directly opposite. Complementary colors reside at opposite ends of the Color Circle or Color Wheel. To calculate an RGB complementary color: RGB complementary = 255-R, 255-G, 255-B For example: RGB= 255,0,0 RGB complementary = 0, 255, 255 |
Edge | The line between each pair of vertices. |
Element | A group of contiguous faces found in an object. |
Face | A triangular plane. Faces have a front, called a normal. See figure in Edge. |
FOV | Field Of View |
Highlights | Highlights are reflections of light sources on the object surface. |
Hue | The color in its purest form, with no black, gray, or white added. |
LOD | Level Of Detail |
Mesh object | A mesh object is composed of several subobjects: faces, vertices, edges, polygons and elements. |
Pivot | A point about which an object is rotated or scaled. |
Polygon | A group of two or more adjacent faces that lie on the same plane. See figure in Edge. |
Spinners | Spinners are up and down arrows. |
Spline | Is a type of curve that is interpolated between two endpoints and two or more tangent vectors. |
Vertex | A corner of a face. See figure in Edge. |
Quad menu | A menu which appears when you right click on a object in for example the top viewport. |
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon