A video has been circulating on social media from the last few days in which an old man named as Muhammad Qasim Attari wearing Green Amama, is showing his mobile phone while video maker is giving voice over. In this video, video maker told that an old man belongs to Dawat e Islami, went to Bahawalpur for Madani Qafila in January 2014 and faced problem of mobile charging there. Video maker told that Muhammad Qasim Attari meets Moulana Ilyas Qadri, he told him that there is a big problem to charge mobile here.
Ilyas Qadri holds hand of Qasim Attari for around 11 to 12 minutes and from January to March 2014, Qasim Attari had never charged his mobile phone because it had been automatically charging, according to the video maker. The video emerged on social media few days ago and gone viral as it has been called a miracle.
Recently, social media cell of Dawat e Islami has posted an update on this issue and totally disclaimed such type of happening and termed this as negative propaganda against Dawat e Islami.
Religious organization also stated that the video has no connection with Dawat e Islami and its responsible representatives. They have also asked people to not consider this video by any means and do not circulate it on social media. This Mobile charging video of Dawat e Islami is looking planted plan from opponents, a social media expert told Pakistan Media Updates.
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