How To Use Twitter for Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is the leading cause behind the visibility of a website in SERP. It is commonly referred to as Search Marketing, and it is a major part of Online Marketing Budget. It sometimes uses SEO ServicesPPC (digital marketing services), and advertising agencies for the web promotion. SEM’s who conduct it are responsible for Keyword-Based-Online-Advertisement. For instance, campaign management by using Google Adwords. Although SEM and Marketers are prudently endeavouring. Yet it is being considered that the web promotion is incomplete without the collaboration of Social Media Management. Several platforms are available to serve the purpose. But the SEM’s mostly rely on the cherished Twitter, and they use strategies for product promotion and target their audience.

Who are the SEM’s

SEM’s are the experts and highly-skilled persons. They are involved in the development of brand awareness strategy. They are located anywhere whether it is a major media companies or a small media market. Everyone can identify them on social media sites on the basis of their job, location, and company etc.
They conversate about digital marketing (PPC), search marketing (SEO), and web analytics tools. They describe themselves on the basis of the keywords regarding these topics. For instance, SEO, Analytics, and Adwords. These keywords are their actual identity because they define their field and scope. Hashtags reveal the topic, news, events, researches, big and small issues, and many other things. If these topics are created regarding the scope of SEM’s, they will definitely grab their attention.
SEM’s use a few platforms and apps to share the data or to engage on social media sites. For example, Twitter’s website, tweet button, Twitter for Android, Twitter for iPhone, and other mobile phone apps are their tools to achieve their goals. 58% SEM’s rely on Industry Media to share while they favour Mainstream media, Social media sites, and others 29%, 11%,  and 2% respectively.

The Most Shared Mainstream Sources

The data of Mainstream sources consists of news, editorial, technology, and events. Following are the top 25 mainstream media sources which are relied on and shared by the marketers the most.
1. Forbes
2. New York Times
3. The Wall Street Journal
4. Inc.
5. Huffington Post
6. Entrepreneur
7. Fast Company
8. BuzzFeed
9. Medium
10. Quartz
11. WSJ Blogs
12. CNET
13. Time
14. Google
15. HBR Blogs
17. Washington Post
18. Slate
19. Gizmodo
20. CNN
21. The Guardian
22. Fast Company Co.Design
23. The Atlantic
24. Engadget
25. CNN Money

The Most Shared Industry Sources

The data of industry sources consists of Analytics, Search Engine Optimization, Adwords, advertisements, PPC, and SEM. It is the authenticity of these sources that let SEM’s visit them and share their data. Following are the top sources that compel marketers to amplify their content.
1. Search Engine Land
2. Search Engine Watch
3. Marketing Land
4. Mashable
5. PPC Hero
6. Search Engine Journal
7. Moz
8. WordStream
9. TechCrunch
10. Business Insider
11. SEO Roundtable
12. Ad Age
13. KISSMetrics Blog
14. Buffer Blog
15. ClickZ
16. Econsultancy
17. HubSpot Blog
18. Adweek
19. AdWords Blog
20. Bing Ads
21. Social Media Examiner
22. VentureBeat
23. The Verge
24. Unbounce
25. Social Media Today

The Most Shared Social Sources

Following are the t0p 15 social media sources that influence the marketers to share and promote their data for achieving the potential and target audience.
1. YouTube
2. SlideShare
3. Instagram
4. LinkedIn
5. Facebook
6. Google+
7. Foursquare
8. Pinterest
9. Reddit
10. Vine
11. Spotify
12. Vimeo
13. Kickstarter
14. SoundCloud
15. Flickr

The Publishers that let the marketers retweet them

The creation of a content does not create a brand awareness and promote a website. These are the marketers that pump out the content. And they persuade the customers and target the audience to buy or consider the product. Good vendors and publishers do not only rely on the creation of the content. But they also promote it through social amplification via search marketers. The following are the publishers who get maximum retweets due to their authenticity, style of writing, and way of promotion. Therefore, if you want to get your data retweeted. Follow the footsteps of these publishers.
1. @sengineland ()
2. @ppchero
3. @BingAds
4. @mashable
5. @Marketingland
6. @adwords
7. @unbounce
8. @sewatch
9. @KISSmetrics
10. @sejournal
11. @Moz
12. @adage
13. @WordStream
14. @FastCompany
15. @googleanalytics
16. @Inc
17. @HubSpot
18. @Forbes
19. @Adweek
20. @WSJ
21. @TechCrunch
22. @EntMagazine
23. @BruceClayInc
24. @google
25. @nytimes
26. @hootsuite
27. @socialmedia2day
28. @WIRED
29. @SportsCenter
30. @VentureBeat
31. @ForbesTech
32. @ClickZ
33. @buffer
34. @CNET
35. @Econsultancy
36. @MediaPost
37. @ThinkwithGoogle
38. @WhiteSharkMedia
39. @3QDigital
40. @point_it
41. @Digiday
42. @semrush
43. @seroundtable
44. @Slate
45. @Gizmodo
46. @HarvardBiz
47. @SAI
48. @eMarketer
49. @GrowthHackers_
50. @MarketMotive

The People that let the marketers to retweet them

Following are the persons or people that are retweeted the most. They are not the publishers or vendors, but they can be the analysts, advisors, or consultants. They use social media for conversation, discussion, and sharing, and they do not share their content or link. Indeed, their authentic communication forces the marketers to retweet them.
1. @larrykim
2. @Mel66
3. @Matt_Umbro
4. @dannysullivan
5. @randfish
6. @mattcutts
7. @Realicity
8. @jmgagnon
9. @John_A_Lee
10. @chrishaleua
11. @rustybrick
12. @LisaSanner
13. @LukeAlley
14. @GinnyMarvin
15. @bgtheory
16. @robert_brady
17. @ArianaWolf
18. @bigalittlea
19. @elisabethos
20. @BryantGarvin
21. @michellemsem
22. @SamOwenPPC
23. @PPCKirk
24. @DuaneForrester
25. @TheGrok
26. @dr_pete
27. @SusanEDub
28. @avinash
29. @ebkendo
30. @Szetela
31. @aleyda
32. @siliconvallaeys
33. @AndyGroller
34. @NeptuneMoon
35. @sugarrae
36. @lisabuyer
37. @mattmcgee
38. @danbarker
39. @RavenJon
40. @RickGalan
41. @rodnitzky
42. @aknecht
43. @DannyNMIGoodwin
44. @HeatherCooan
45. @glenngabe
46. @AnnieCushing
47. @leeodden
48. @portentint
49. @CyrusShepard
50. @bill_slawski

The Publishers/Vendors who are mostly mentioned by the marketers

Mentioning means that you are especially referring a content to a specific person to let him consider and review it keenly. This method is generally used to get social recommendations. Indeed, mentioning is stronger and effective than retweeting. So the marketers mention the following publishers and vendors in their tweets and retweets to get their special recommendations about the content.
1. @sengineland
2. @adwords
3. @sewatch
4. @ppchero
5. @BingAds
6. @Marketingland
7. @WordStream
8. @google
9. @Moz
10. @mashable
11. @YouTube
12. @unbounce
13. @sejournal
14. @LinkedIn
15. @ClickZ
16. @Forbes
17. @CNET
18. @smx
19. @googleanalytics
20. @HubSpot
21. @Hanapin
22. @bing
23. @KISSmetrics
24. @TechCrunch
25. @SlideShare
26. @facebook
27. @amazon
28. @Econsultancy
29. @MarinSoftware
30. @twitter
31. @copyblogger
32. @Inc
33. @adage
34. @3QDigital
35. @EntMagazine
36. @buffer
37. @smexaminer
38. @FastCompany
39. @WSJ
40. @TheNextWeb
41. @HarvardBiz
42. @acquisio
43. @semrush
44. @BuzzFeed
45. @nytimes
46. @MediaPost
47. @avalaunchmedia
48. @Adweek
49. @VentureBeat
50. @verge

The People that are mentioned the most

Following are the persons or people that are mentioned the most. They are not the publishers or vendors. They can be the analysts, advisors, or consultants. They use social media for conversation, discussion, and sharing. They do not share their content or link. Their authentic communication forces the marketers to mention them.
1. @larrykim
2. @Matt_Umbro
3. @bgtheory
4. @Mel66
5. @rustybrick
6. @jmgagnon
7. @LukeAlley
8. @John_A_Lee
9. @GinnyMarvin
10. @randfish
11. @SamOwenPPC
12. @SusanEDub
13. @Realicity
14. @chrishaleua
15. @mattcutts
16. @BryantGarvin
17. @LisaSanner
18. @robert_brady
19. @dannysullivan
20. @bigalittlea
21. @NeptuneMoon
22. @jenstar
23. @TheGrok
24. @PPCKirk
25. @Szetela
26. @I_Marketer
27. @HeatherCooan
28. @dr_pete
29. @ebkendo
30. @AndrewPPC
31. @IntelligentPPC
32. @avinash
33. @pateast
34. @oligardner
35. @timothyjjensen
36. @mattmcgee
37. @markkennedysem
38. @tallykeller
39. @RickGalan
40. @andrew_goodman
41. @ArianaWolf
42. @ecouch11
43. @lsussan
44. @DuaneForrester
45. @MattSouthern
46. @RichardFergie
47. @mvanwagner
48. @stonetemple
49. @aimclear
50. @nateknox


To sum up, I can say that you have been told how to reach and engage the marketers. You have been informed how they work, and how they socially amplify the content. So, it has become easy for a person whether he is a creator vendor or publisher or any other else to influence these marketers. You just need to create a healthy and highly informed content. Follow the footsteps of those who have been ranked at the highest positions. And target your potential customers through Search Engine Marketing.
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